Forum Discussion

ColleenHughes-8's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Managing Searchable Content for eLearning Module Library

Hi everyone. I work on a team that manages HUNDREDS of eLearning modules that constantly need to be updated. Does anyone have a good process for managing and searching the content inside the modules for updates? 

Currently, we publish the Word document version of the modules inside folders in File Explorer. 

  • Hi Colleen! Great question! That is a lot to manage. I have a few resources for managing/updating content that I hope makes it easier to maintain courses. It doesn’t necessarily include searchable content by course, but hopefully, some of the ideas might help. I know every organization is different, so this might not work in every situation. 

    • 5 Tips for Building E-Learning Courses That Are Easy to Maintain - I know this is more about prevention, but the ideas in this article might be something you want to consider moving forward, such as—Set a Course Expiration Date when you know some information will be obsolete as of a certain date. That way, you don't have to go through a ton of courses to check if it needs updating because you already made a note. 
    • Course Update Spreadsheet - a Course Maintenance Sheet can be really helpful because you can see a list of all the courses in one place with any notes you need to stay organized. If you do use something like this, I highly recommend importing it into Google Sheets if you have more than one person working on updating courses. This allows everyone to see it and make changes in real-time so you don't have to pass a file back and forth. 

    I hope that helps! Perhaps the community might have some other ideas that have made it easier for them to manage elearning content.