Forum Discussion
Master Slides in different orientations in the same story
Hello all,
I would like to chime in, maybe helping you with a usecase where having for some pages a different orientation would help.
All our courses are set in landscape, as it is on par with the computer screens in our enterprise setup. But we have started to use more the print link in Storyline, so that we can create, at the end of the courses, synthesises that a user can print to keep at hand, such as cheatsheets, etc. Those are really appreciated, but in the print form, the normal orientation is more vertical, and also, when using the print option, the page is also forced into vertical mode.
So why not being able to create a special print synthesis page with A4 formatting ? Also, doing that printable synthesis directly in SL helps with machine translations : there's only one workflow to check the translations, all in Storyline.
So what do you think ? wouldn't it be useful ?