Forum Discussion

WojciechGrzegor's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Multiple choice quiz with multiple outcomes.

I'm preparing quizzes where there are answers A to E. The "correct" answer is A to D selected. The quizmaker decided that selecting only E or not all A-D is a failure. As I know users there will be also ones who'll mark all answers or some from A-D AND E. 

Is there a way to create such quiz without using variables? I would like to avoid using them as I have more than 40 of them and 4 to 6 such quizzes. 
OR to lower the amount of variables (they need to be quiz specific to report the choice)?

The amount of combinations is the same as choices so, for me, there is no escape in creating triggers with "if/and".

Maybe one numeric variable, from which we would subtract certain amount based on combination? 

  • Hello Wojciech,

    Thanks for reaching out! 

    If you use Storyline 360's built-in 'Multiple Response' question slide, you can design a course that will only be marked as correct only if the correct answers are chosen. So in your example, selecting only 'A - D' will be marked as correct, but selecting 'A - E' will be marked as wrong in a Multiple Response question. 

    With that being said, is this the design you were going for, or are you trying to design a question slide that will accept both 'A - D' and 'A - E' answers? I've attached a file for your reference. 

    Looking forward to your response!


  • Hi Joe, 

    Thank you for the reply.

    In general everything that is not "A-D" is incorrect but anything that contains E is "very incorrect" and should be visible at the end on the report. 

    So I'm looking for a way to have information that the E option have been chosen/clicked. This info should be unique to each quiz. 

  • Hi Wojciech, 

    You can just add a hidden feedback in your Incorrect layer that will only appear if option E was selected for your question. I've attached a demo file so you can see how this can be done.

    Let me know if you have any questions about how I built the slide!  

  • So I figured a workaround without using a "question slide". It still involve creating variables but only three (for each quizz). 

    I created 5 checkmarks and 4 layers "Correct/E/Not-complete/Something+E" and then triggered single button to show different layer depending on "if" of selected checkmarks. 

    Then on each layer I put true/false variable that change when timeline starts. "E/something+e" have single variable but on different layers (as required by feedback for such choices). 

    Then, on final results slide I have "quizz1/ quizz2/ etc." with hidden textboxes that change status to "normal" depending on "true" variable showing what choices have been made. And of course final slide can be printed to pdf for later use in 1on1 with coach.