Forum Discussion

SamHill's avatar
Super Hero
4 years ago

Mystery trigger "Jump to next slide when timeline on this slide starts"

My colleague and I have recently come across a strange bug (separate SL modules). On a project I am working on of about 30 slides, on two of the slide a mystery trigger has appeared "Jump to next slide when timeline on this slide starts".

This trigger doesn't exist on the slide or any layers or on the Master slide. It only can be seen by selecting one of the small arrows that are displayed between slides. The trigger cannot be edited (deleted or changed) other than to add an if statement. You'll see this above where I added an arbitrary if statement on a variable called "bugfix" which will never be true, to stop the trigger executing.

I guess I'm just looking to see if Articulate are aware of this bug, and if anybody else has experienced it.

  • Hi, Fabian. 

    We received a case from your colleague, Tobias, who is currently working with our engineer Mark. 

    Please reach out to Mark through the case if you or Tobias have additional questions. 

  • DavidCrocker's avatar
    Community Member

    Fabian / Maria, Can you please update this thread with the outcome of this investigation. Thanks

  • Hi David

    So far we got the following response:

    Projects which were built in older storyline version will have this problem and the unwanted link/trigger can be deleted as explained in this forum above.

    Projects which were built in the version 3.55.25975.0 should not have this problem anymore.

    Otherwise no news...

    Regards, Fabian

  • Hi Anne,

    I'm glad that Phil's solution was able to help you out here. The latest updates should prevent you from experiencing this issue, so please be sure you are on the latest, Build 3.58.26627.0.

    I appreciate you chiming in to share, and welcome to E-Learning Heroes. 😊

  • KarnikaMishra's avatar
    Community Member

    Unfortunately, I was unable to use Phil's approach because my connecting link was somehow disabled. So I tried a different approach: I created another scene and added the faulty slides there, and the mystery link/trigger was gone.

    Please note: you need to make adjustments to your player’s ‘menu items’ since a new scene has been introduced. You can delete the scene’s heading and keep the sub-slides (children slides) as is.

    I hope this helps! 😊

  • Hi Karnika,

    Thanks so much for sharing what worked on your end! I'm sure other community members will find that helpful.

    Have a great day ahead!

    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi Leslie!

      Sorry to hear you've run into this setback! Happy to help!

      Since two separate Storyline bugs were discussed in this thread, do you mind sharing more details on the behavior you're experiencing? Also, if you're comfortable sharing a copy of the .story file, we'd be glad to take a closer look and confirm if you are being affected by the same one.

      Feel free to upload a copy here in the discussion or privately through a support case. Looking forward to hearing from you!