Forum Discussion

RanjithPK-30fa7's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Need help on triggers

I have a situation where there are two buttons, if i click on one button , it should lead to a next slide and if clicked on other button, it should go to another slide.

Any way of making this work in a single trigger?

    • RanjithPK-30fa7's avatar
      Community Member

      Just trying and exploring to fit in a single trigger. Please ignore my craziness 

  • Hi Ranjith,

    If you give us a little more detail on what you’re trying to accomplish, as well as share a sample file of what you've already worked on, I’m sure one of our talented community members will have suggestions for you.

  • It's easy to put two triggers on a single button, but I believe it is not only impossible, but counter-productive to put one trigger on two buttons.

    You can create a button with a selected and Normal state. Then your single trigger reads "Jump to slide 1 when learner clicks Button X if state of Button X is selected else jump to slide 2". I would make the text on Normal read "Slide 1" and Selected read "Slide 2".