Forum Discussion

NiteshVyas-6d4a's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Need to Customize the colour of closed captions (including CC background colour) and their position in the slides


I have added closed captions (CC) to my project in storyline 360, and by default, it is shown in white with a black background. I do not want to include black & white captions in my project and need to customize them to match our project theme/guidelines. Also, I want to change the position of CC's in my project, but unfortunately, I could not find a way to do the same.

Hence, can anyone please suggest how I can customize CC colours and update their position for the project?

I'm using Storyline 360 Version:v3.52.25247.0, and I assume it is the latest version available.

I have gone through few discussions regarding this issue and found some suggestion workaround via javascript. Still, unfortunately, I do not know how to work with javascript, is there easier options? If Yes, please suggest as I am in urgent need of this.

I am attaching a slide screenshot for reference.



  • TaylorMaruca1's avatar
    Community Member

    Hello Nitesh!

    From what I've read, there isn't a way to alter the color of the closed captions or the positioning. The standard is that it will appear along the bottom of the slide. With that said there are ways to alter the font size and style easily. 

    I know you said you found some articles on how to do this using JavaScript. I included some links below of the articles I have found (though you may have already seen these).

    Reposition Closed Captions

    Change Color of Closed Captions

    Good luck on your course!

    • NiteshVyas-6d4a's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Taylor,

      Yes, I have gone through these attached articles earlier but just thinking If I could find anything handy it would be really helpful for me.

      Although Thanks for your response, Taylor...

  • BeccaLevan's avatar
    Community Member

    Hey there, Nitesh!

    Looks like Taylor covered your options pretty well here 😊

    Customization options for Closed Captions is a feature request we're tracking, so I'll share your thoughts in our report and relay any new developments. 

    I'm no JavaScript expert, but I'm hopeful some of our other members will chime in with ideas!

    • NiteshVyas-6d4a's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Becca,

      Yes, absolutely Taylor really confirmed the features.

      I am hopeful that the customization features will be available soon for Closed cations.

  • Hi Nitesh,

    I have some great news to share. We just released another update for Storyline 360. In Update 86, we’ve included important fixes and new features.

    Two of the new features we’ve included: 

    Launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer to take advantage of this update, and click the Update button next to Storyline 360. You’ll find our step-by-step instructions here.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.