Forum Discussion
New Feature in Rise 360: Question Banks
Rise 360 just keeps getting better. Today we released a new feature called question banks.
Thanks to question banks, you can now create randomized quizzes in Rise 360 by drawing from a bank of prepared questions. This is especially useful when you want to make sure learners see something different each time they retake a quiz.
With the quiz question bank feature, you can create a set of questions once, and reuse that bank as many times as you want in the same course or even across multiple courses. What a huge timesaver!
You also have the flexibility to use question banks for knowledge check blocks or quizzes—giving you options for how and when you want to check or test a learner’s knowledge.
To create a quiz question bank, click Question Banks and select New Bank.
Give your question bank a name and select Create Question Bank.
From there, create and add questions to the bank just as you would when building a quiz lesson.
And there’s no limit on how many question banks you can create. To help you stay organized, you can organize your question banks into different folders. For example, you could create a folder for each course or topic.
And if you’re an Articulate 360 Teams subscriber, you have even more ways to work together. With question banks, you can easily share question bank folders with other team members to ensure consistency across your organization’s courses. You can even assign different roles to each member—manager, editor, or viewer— depending on the level of access they need.
We think you’re going to love this new Rise 360 quizzing feature and can’t wait to hear what you think!
- MedialabBaspoCommunity Member
I seem to have the same problem, that i can't choose how many or which questions are shown within a knowledge check when i draw questions from a question bank.
I want to ask some questions within a lesson, without taking too much space. So i created a knowledge check and linked it to a question bank with 5 questions. However, when editing the knowledge check, the draw selection settings are only "random" or "specific questions", but i can only chose 1.
The workaround would probably be to make a quiz, but as I said, I'd like to ask these questions within then lesson, not as a separate part.
Am I doing something wrong or what am I missing?
- AlLearningCommunity Member
Hi Articulate Support - are you looking at this problem. It make the quiz unusable if the questions aren;t returnuing the right feedback. Please can you update?
- ElaineCottamCommunity Member
This may seem a stupid question, but in my version of Rise 360 I can't see where the settings are for the quiz so at the moment it is randomly selected a single question. I want to turn off the shuffle and I want to use all the questions in my question bank.
Does a results slide get created automatically because when I set my question bank up there is no option to include that and it would be great to have an introduction slide telling learners what to expect in the quiz, but again I can't see that.
Any advice would be appreciated.
- BabsWyssCommunity Member
- KarlMullerCommunity Member
Hi Barbara,
Have you created at least one Question Bank?
- BabsWyssCommunity Member
Hi Karl
Yes, I created three Question Banks. Exporting questions from there works well, but importing questions from quizzes doesn't.
- ChrisJones-f7f1Community Member
Does anyone know if it is possible to randomize the answers to each question (not the questions themselves) when using a question bank draw in Rise 360?
If it is, a pointer as to how to do it would be much appreciated.
- CNavarroFormer Staff
Hi Chris. Thanks for reaching out. To confirm, you are looking into randomizing the answer choices, is that correct?
- ChrisJones-f7f1Community Member
Hi Chino, that right I want to randomize some question answer and keep some static when drawing from the question bank. One of your support colleagues has confirm via a ticket that this is currently not possible but has submitted a feature request on my behalf
Hi, everyone! I wanted to share an update that we fixed an issue where courses could fail to export to xAPI when they included quizzes built from question banks.
Please let us know if you run into any more trouble with this!
- KatieMorant-bcbCommunity Member
- DavidAtkinson-dCommunity Member
I believe there is an issue when drawing from question banks that have images attached. A colleague and I have both had the same result today.
A question bank without images works fine. A question bank with images fails to load.
I have made two new sample question banks to test, draw questions from both into a new course *1 bank has images attached - the other has no images. Same error occurs if placing into an existing project or a new one.
Could someone test this out to see if they get the same issue please?
Create 2 question banks *give bank has an image attached to a question / bank 2 - no images
Create a new Rise 360 course: Add a lesson > Add content> Add quiz
Next Add Question > Draw from question bank. Chose bank 1 and 2 then test; It should fail if I am correct.
Next: Only use from the bank without the image: It should now work.
- KarlMullerCommunity Member
Hi David,
I created a question bank with 5 questions where each question has an image.
I created a quiz in a Rise course with a draw of 4 random questions from this bank.
Draw completed successfully, and the quiz works correctly when taken in Preview mode.
- DavidAtkinson-dCommunity Member
Morning Karl,
Thanks for testing this at your end, I have just tested again this morning and issue seems to be resolved but a colleague of mine is still having the same issue.
Hi, everyone! We just fixed the issue where correct responses weren’t retained when adding a multiple response question to a question bank from a quiz.
To take advantage of this fix, any affected questions will need to be re-added to their question banks.
Please let us know if you run into any further trouble!
- DavidMaddocks-fCommunity Member
I'm building a course in Rise to sell to a company. If I pull questions for a quiz from a personal question bank, will they be included in the course test on my client's LMS? The course will be exported to a Scorm 1.2 compressed file.
- hazelBStaff
Hi David and SibaPrasad! Here's a link with steps on how to share your question banks to another user in your team.