Forum Discussion
Next button disappears after replaying slide
Hi Everyone,
I am working on a series of courses that utilize webinars. I cannot post the file because of the content but I will attach screen captures.
After a user views the entire slide, the Next button will no longer be hidden. There is not a scrubber bar so the user cannot skip through the content. I do have a play pause button enabled. The video is paused until the user clicks on a "play content" button that I had created.
If you watch the video fully and the next button shows up, but you don't click next, and then go back in and watch the same segment fully again, the next button doesn't appear the second time. The LMS does display the Resume and Restart options but when a user selects Resume its as if the video was never watched.
If the learner doesn't progress to the next segment when the next button appears and then goes back to play the same segment again they are unable to progress to the next segment because it's locked and the next button won't show.
Thank you so much in advance for help and suggestions!
- PhilMayorSuper Hero
set it to when media completes not slide timeline, as you dont have a timeline scrubber that trigger only fires once
- MeghanBarrella-Community Member
thank you so much! I will try that and give you an update.