Forum Discussion
Next Button Not Working
I am having trouble getting the Next Button back to the Normal state. I have 4 pictures on the slide that I want the user to click on first before advancing to the next slide. I disabled the Next button when the timeline starts and made a trigger for the Next button to be Normal when the the state of all of the pictures is visited. Even after clicking on each picture, the Next button is still disabled. What am I missing? I added a screenshot of the triggers I have set.
- MariaCSStaff
Hi, Amanda, and welcome to E-Learning Heroes! ✨
Thank you for sharing the screenshot!
From your triggers, it looks like every time you return to the slide, the first trigger executed is Change the Next button to disabled when the timeline starts. Since there are no conditions attached to it, it will always run.
Instead, I would change it to disabled when the timeline starts if all the pictures are not visited.
Let me know if this works!