Forum Discussion

LisaKingdom's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

No sound

Storyline 360 file glitchy and sound sometimes stops half way through slides no rhyme or reason both on the file and on the LMS.

Cleared the cache. Have tried republishing. Tried renaming the file )which was not a long file name). Sometimes it plays through and sometimes it doesn't. A User on the LMS also reported not being able to type in answer boxes and that when going back to an earlier slide it was hit or miss-sometimes it just hung. They tried clearing cookies, disabling pop ups, different browser etc. None of that worked. They got it to work using mobile phone hotspot function.

Like I say, I am having the issue myself with both the LMS and the file itself and have never had this before. Help! It's hard to know if it's fixed, as it works mostly fine today (compared to yesterday) on the file and also the LMS preview, but on the LMS it lost the sound after I paused it for a minute or so.

Help! TIA : )

  • Hi Lisa,

    Depending on when you published the course, you may want to first make sure your Storyline 360 is on the latest version when you republish! There are a couple of audio issues that have been fixed in recent versions. But if you're up to date and republishing still doesn't work, I would send the file to the Articulate support team so they can test it out! 

  • JingKangKang's avatar
    Community Member

    your sound effect file is corrupted. i tried changing it to another format and everything works fine