Object states and the timeline
I have a slide where the timeline pauses, and the learner makes a decision which team to root for at 9 seconds. After that decision is made, at 20 seconds I want the team mascot to appear, this mascot should be for the team they selected earlier. Trouble is, I'm having a terrible time making that work.
I tried having the two pictures stacked and when they select team 1, a trigger changes the top image (team 2) to hidden which should just leave the image underneath (team 1) to show up at that 20 second mark, but the team 1 image is still showing.
I tried having both mascots set to an initial state as hidden and using the decision to change the state of the selected one to normal, but instead of showing up at the 20 second point, it appears immediately.
I tried having the picture as two states, one with each mascot, and the trigger for the decision to change the state of that picture to the correct mascot, but instead of showing up at the 20 second point, again, it shows immediately.
Am I missing something obvious, or is the only way to do this with variables and trigger actions based on the variable at the 20 second point?