Forum Discussion

RobBrownfield-d's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

On revisiting a screen, a button has stopped working.

I know I am missing something really obvious, but my brain is just not working!

I have a custom "Next" button on the screen, that is disabled at the start of the slide.

Change state of Next Button "Next" to Disabled
When the timeline starts on this slide

Simple so far!

The user must select several buttons (Ovals) before the Next button is changed to "Normal".

Change the state of Next Button "Next" to Normal
When the state of all the ovals is Visited

Also simple, works a dream. 

The Next button takes me to the next screen, but when I come back, one of three things happens, depending on what I have the Slide Properties  for "When Revisiting" set as.

If I have the slide properties set as "Automatically Decide", the Previous button is "Normal", but does not work.
If it is "Resume save state", it is the same issue.
If it is "Reset to initial state", the Next button is once more disabled, and the user must click on the ovals again, before the Next button becomes "Normal" and I can move to the next screen.

I know I am missing something really simple, but I just cannot figure it out on a Friday afternoon!!

Thanks for your help in advance. 

  • Hi, Rob,

    The "Resume saved state" setting means the program won't replay the timeline. Unfortunately, there's a small "quirk": triggers that run "when the timeline starts" still execute. 

    The basic fix is to add a condition to the trigger that disables the Next button. For example:

    • Create a T/F variable, with a default value of False.
    • Add a condition to the trigger that disables Next, so that it will only run IF the variable = False. 
    • Add a trigger that adjusts the variable to True when the interaction is completed. 

    You can see a demo and find out more here: 

    As for the Previous button: if you're previewing and what would normally be the previous slide wasn't included, the button doesn't know where to go.