Forum Discussion

MarilynBlanger's avatar
Community Member
8 months ago

Ongoin Issues with Storyline Block in Rise 360


I published a Storyline in Review so that I could then integrate it into a Storyline Block type into Rise. However, for unknown reasons, it doesn't work. I have an English version that works, but my French version can't integrate the storyline. It says Processing course... and nothing happens. When I click on Edit, it says No .storyline file added.

I've tried everything I could read on the community, i.e.

- Clear my cache in Chrome, and Edge
- Make sure I have the latest version in Articulate
- Try incognito mode
- Restarted the publication process in Review

Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? Thanks in advance!

  • KatrinDroste's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Marilyn,

    I had the exact same problem: the English version worked - but the German one didn't. 

    In my case the problem was as follows: I had integrated a PDF document for download into my Storyline element ('click on button to download document'). The document title in English posed no problem, but the German version of the document contained an ' ö ' in the title (a regular German letter).

    When I changed the ö in the document title to 'o', it worked perfectly, and I was able to implement the Storyline element into Rise.

    I've heard from several users that you should not implement documents into Storyline where the title contains letters not usually found in the English language.

    Hope this helps! :)

    • GalleTENAILL871's avatar
      Community Member

      Bonjour Katrin, 

      Merci beaucoup pour cette astuce qui a également fonctionné pour moi dans la version française en enlevant les accents du fichier PDF à télécharger ! 🙌

      Bonne journée.

      • KatrinDroste's avatar
        Community Member

        Salut Gaëlle!

        Super que ça marche pour vous aussi! Nous, les langues non anglaises, devons nous serrer les coudes ;)

        Salutations d'Allemagne!

  • Hi Marilyn,

    Sorry to hear that you ran into this issue. 

    Since you were able to add the English version of your Storyline 360 course as a block without any issues, the behavior might be isolated to the French version. I'd like to test the French version to see if any elements in the project file are causing the embedding process to fail in Rise 360. 

    Would you be willing to share a copy of the French version of your project file here or in private by opening a support case so we can take a closer look at what's happening? We'll delete it when we're done testing!

  • Hello Katrin,

    Oh my God, it works! Thank you so much for taking the time to reply, it's very pertinent information that we'll keep in mind for the next times! You're a lifesaver ahah!