Forum Discussion

Will_Findlay's avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

"Online presentations aren't supported"

I like keeping all of my development files in my OneDrive Folder. However, Articulate Presenter won't allow this as shown by the error msg below. Has anyone found a workaround? Are there any plans to fix this situation? Technically it is saved to my local drive: (C:\Users\wfindlay\projects\....)

Keeping everything in OneDrive makes it much easier to ensure every device has the files I need as a developer.

  • Like all others here, I back up my work constantly to OneDrive - that's fairly common and considering I work on courses that contain significant amount of work - it's important that I back up the files. 

    According to this MS article, even though files are stored online/ on One drive, when we double click and open them, they become locally available i.e. they are downloaded to the local machine and are not on OneDrive anymore (not online files by definition).,

    Despite the above, and after saving a copy of the presentation on my "Local" drive in c:\documents', and pausing OneDrive syncing - still seeing the 'Online presentations aren't supported error'. 

    Since support for presentations stored on OneDrive doesn't seem to be coming any time soon, can you suggest a way to work around this problem?

  • FelixFranke's avatar
    Community Member

    +1 from me for a pledge to Articulate to address this please. Backup of projects/files by hand is not an overly safe way of handling important work (and very 20th century... ;-) )

    Angela, thanks for the tip, will look into this. 

  • Hello,  I am getting the same error message listed above about online presentations not supported. I had worked on this PPT yesterday and had no issues saving it to my OneDrive, but I'm getting this error message now. Any insight as to why it would work one day and not the next?  

    • LaurenConnelly's avatar

      Hello Jaclyn!

      It's challenging to determine what would've caused the error message today. If you pause syncing for OneDrive and save locally, does the error message still appear?

  • ManuMittal's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Will Findlay

    Did you get solution to your problem from Articulate. Its my first day on this software and I also came across the same problem mentioned by you. Its giving me a message, "Online Presentations are not supported. Save a copy to your local drive to continue".

    Thank you for your attention.

  • GwennIvester's avatar
    Community Member

    I am very new to Articulate and it's products, but will soon be using it heavily for my new job.  Considering that OneDrive is so ubiquitous with Microsoft products such as PowerPoint and now also so integrated into Window File Explorer, it's unconceivable how you are supposed to use products efficiently and without extreme aggravation that do not support files that are saved locally but synced with OneDrive or vice versa, however you want to look at it.