Forum Discussion

HenritteVanAmer's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Page navigation does not work


I am new here. I am from the Netherlands. I think one of my courses has a bug?

We build a storyline course with 8 chapters. (in 5 languages NL/DU/EN/TR/PL)
First the Dutch version was build. The others are copies in other languages.

We had some little updates in the versions.

In the Dutch version the navigation does not work in chapter 1. You can navigate within the chapter, but as soon as you want to go to the next chapter nothing happens. The link enters the "visited state", but does not go there.

The other language versions work fine. I also checked to see if there are any differences. But the programming is exactly the same.

Does anyone here know a solution?

  • It's hard to troubleshoot without seeing the .story file, but I'll give it a try.

    Are the chapters in separate scenes? A "jump to next slide" trigger won't do anything when it's on the last slide in a scene. In those cases, you can have the "Next" trigger do either of the following:

    • Jump to a specific slide (e.g., specify the first slide of the next scene)
    • Jump to (the next or a specific) scene

    If that's not the issue, then I suggest you upload a copy of the .story file. 

  • According to a colleague, the course was built in 2019. It may have been in an older Articulate version. Could that be the problem? But then it remains strange that the other language versions do not cause any problems.

    Uploading the .story file failed. I get an error message. (file not implemented)


    • Jürgen_Schoene_'s avatar
      Community Member

      are you sure you have published the complete course, check publish setting

  • It is strange that the other courses work, but the original one doesn't. It's also strange that you couldn't upload the .story file. (Well, unless the file was open when you tried to upload it. That never works.) 

    As per the screenshot, the trigger says to jump to a specific slide (2.1). And it doesn't look like anything is covering the button. In short, I have no idea why it's not working.

    Since this is "unexpected behavior," I suggest you submit this directly to the Articulate staff. You can do that here: Contact Support for Help with Any Articulate E-Learning Course Development Software