Forum Discussion
Passing Storyline Scores to LMS
The suggestions posted here did not work for me. Maybe it's because of updates to Storyline since the suggestions were made. (This thread is several years old).
I did figure out a fix, and I'm posting incase it can help someone.
I added a GRADED question rather than a SURVEY question. I added it to the beginning and set the score for the correct answer to 100. I created a trigger to auto populate the score as discussed here and I also hid the page with the triggers as discussed here - but since it's graded, I had to add the triggers to the Correct feedback layer as well. When it runs, the screen flashes, so I added a white rectangle to go over the entire slide to hide the content. In the attached sample, I made it semi-transparent so you can see what I did.
For each of the questions, I scored the incorrect answer with negative points and correct answers with 0 points.
Prior to realizing that my course would not report my scores to the LMS correctly, I had created variable (TotalScore) to show a score at the top of the page that decreased with each incorrect answer. For each question I had a variable that subtracted from the Total Score. I kept those variable, but they possibly could have been done with some built in triggers - not sure.
I displayed the Total Score variable on the results slide in addition to the percentages shown by default on the results slide.