Forum Discussion

YanValdes-aea53's avatar
Community Member
2 days ago

Paused video volume influencing the volume of other slides.

Hello, I have a course with background audio, timeline audio and slides with videos. To control the background audio and the audio on the timeline, I am using a slider that controls the volume, linked to a variable to control these values ​​as I drag it to the side. Anyway, this structure is working very well.

My big problem is that when I enter a slide that has video and click the mute button on the video player, when I go to a regular slide all the rest of the audio stops, background sound, audio on the timeline, everything stops.

Even if on the next slide I activate triggers so that the audios start playing again, they do not play. The audios only play again if I return to the video slide and click the volume button on the video player again.

Could you help me? 



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