Forum Discussion
Pausing timeline when pausing a video
I just noticed that when a video in a slide is paused the timeline keeps moving along. It does not pause in unison with the video control pause.
I have some screencasts that I made and inserted into my project. I added some zooms onto the slide, so that there would be some good closeups on stuff in my screencasts. When the user stops the video, the zooms continue to display, which looks totally crazy.
Then, when the player resumes the video, the zooms have finished playing and the user no longer has the benefit of any video closeups.
Is there a way for me to get the whole timeline to pause whenever my user clicks pause on the video controls?
Hi all,
As mentioned before, if you're inserting the video as a web object, it's independent of the timeline and you can't pause both using the seekbar, as that will only pause the slide timeline (not the video). You may want to look at downloading the video from Vimeo and inserting it directly into your slide.
- Li-AnBrownCommunity Member
Hi everyone,
Sorry to use this old thread but I'm having similar issues with syncing annotations with video in Storyline 2. All the annotations and animations are timed with the slide timeline to coincide with the correct timings in the video. I have successfully disabled the video control and used the covering hotspot technique shown by Peter above so the users have to use the slide timeline seek bar to navigate around if they want to recap any points in the video.
However, the annotations only stay correctly synced if the user only wants to pause & play the video. If the users seek around on the seek bar either ahead or behind, the video correctly jumps but the annotations stay where they were!
I wonder if this has something to do with the way I have made the annotations. They are each on separate layers which are triggered to be shown when the timeline ends on the previous layer. The problem occurs both on slide preview, and when published.
Any advice would be much appreciated!
- JillMcNairCommunity Member
Hi Li-An,
I recently built something similar to what you described in your post, and I tried everything I know, but could not get the timeline and video to sync properly if the seekbar was clicked. In exasperation, I ended up turning off the seekbar for that slide. Since there was not seekbar, I put a replay button at the end so users could replay it. Not sure if this idea will work for you, but I thought I'd share it in case it would!
Hope it helps!
- Li-AnBrownCommunity Member
Thanks Jill! That is very helpful. If I can't find another solution then I will turn off the seek bar and make my own pause/play/replay buttons. Hopefully that should work.
I think for my next similar project I will record shorter video clips which are each associated with one slide. Then the users can navigate to the correct slide for the bit they want to recap, instead of having to re-watch the whole video.
Glad that Jill was able to assist you here Li-An.
Glad to see that this thread was able to assist you as well Vicki and thanks for popping in to say so :)
Hi Lacey!
Would you be able to share your .story file so that we could take a look?
- LaceyCribbCommunity Member
Hi Leslie,
I have this working now, I am not sure what I was doing wrong but at least it is working! One other issue I am experiencing with David's hot bar and seek bar solution is:
- I have a layer show up at a certain time in the video that requires interaction to resume the video (I added a resume video button to the layer that will activate once the learner completes the interaction); however, if the learner clicks the play on the seekbar it will resume the timeline and the layer will stay there. Any thoughts? I really like the hot spot and seekbar solution but if I can't disable the play button somehow when showing the layer I will have to add pause layers to all of my slides instead and remove the seekbar.
Hi Lacey!
On your layer properties, you should be able to choose to prevent the user from clicking on the base layer.
You can read more in this tutorial.
- LaceyCribbCommunity Member
Hey there, so I did this and they can still click on the play/pause button on the seekbar. I put an example slide here to show you what I am trying to accomplish. Let me know if you have any ideas! Otherwise, I will probably remove the seekbar and do the play/pause layer with a added button.