Forum Discussion
8 months agoCommunity Member
Pb export audio in Storyline
I work with Articulate 360 and I have done the update of Storyline 360 (SL) today. I have an SL module with just one audio file, when I preview it, the audio works and when I export it as web version, the audio file is physically present but the audio can't be heard ... It's the first time I have this problem. Could you check it please, I send this very little project in attachment, the pb is relative to the Slide 3. Thanks a lot.
- JoannaKurpiewskCommunity Member
- Jürgen_Schoene_Community Member
- you have no audio on slide 1 => the storyline "play" button don't appear before start course
- you jump from slide 1 to slide 2 without a user click
- you jump from slide 2 to slide 3 without a user click
- no audio on slide 3 because the browser is blocking audio, because no user click was before
- add on your slide 1 a short audio e.g. on an unused layer
- now storyline adds a play button before the course => audio is playing on all following slides
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