Forum Discussion
Peek Issues
It's four years later, I am a new user of Articulate, and my company was kind of enough to provide me with this, and my main use of the software is screen casts/recorded audio and video, and the audio is terrible, and cuts in and out, in both preview, raw .mp4 format, and in Articulate Review. Based on this thread, it's seems absolutely nothing has been done to resolve this issue in at least 4 years. I am really regretting asking my company for this software license at this point.
- LaurenConnelly4 years agoStaff
Hi Matt!
So sorry for the trouble! We are definitely here to help. It sounds like after recording a Peek screencast, the audio is cutting in and out in preview, the .mp4 file, and in Articulate Review. Have you tried a simple Peek repair?
I've started a case on your behalf with our Support Engineers to work with you directly. They'll be reaching out via email!
- MichaelThoma9553 years agoCommunity Member
I see the issue remains unsolved.
Regarding what was said earlier, this was never actually resolved for us,
we simply no longer had the time or patience and moved on.
Disgraceful product- JonathanNewman3 years agoCommunity Member
We also still have the issue. Constantly sending logs from our devices became painful.
I have noted that removing the laptop from my dock and recording without multiple monitors connected prevents loss of audio while recording.