Forum Discussion

AdamLetourneau's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Pick Many Freeform Selection Clear issue


I have been working with a Pick Many freeform question and have noticed an odd behavior that I cannot seem to rectify through setting adjustments. There are 6 total options to select, three of which are correct. When the learner selects the three correct answers and hits submit, the "Correct" layer comes up, but two of their selected answers change back to the normal (unselected) state, while the first one is maintained as selected. Similar behavior is seen if they are incorrect. If they have selected three incorrect responses, and then hit submit, two of the selections will revert to the normal (unselected) state, but one will remain. This is confusing as even though the learner has received feedback, the selected responses do not reflect this, as only one remains selected and the other responses have reverted. 

I was able to create a workaround through using variables to track which selections are made on the base layer, copying the selection buttons to the correct/incorrect layers and then turning them to selected on those layers based on the variable values. I have included a .story file to show the problem and workaround. I feel the software should maintain the selections instead of reverting them, but I may have missed something in my settings that is causing this behavior. Any assistance or guidance would be very much appreciated. Thank you very much. 

  • Hi Adam,

    Thanks for sharing your file, as that helps us understand your setup fully! I understand that the selected state of your buttons is not saved after you submit the answer. After testing your file, it looks like this may be a bug in the software. I’ll be working with our support engineers to test this further, so I opened a support case for you. You will be hearing from them to help you through the issue.

  • Thank you very much, John. I did receive a response and will be working with support contact. I appreciate the quick response.