Forum Discussion

ErrolMackey-2e3's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

Press key triggers with Mac


I'm making a simulation where the common keyboard commands are used. The user presses keys on their keyboard (for example, CTL + V to paste or CTL +A to select all) and the trigger the jumps to the next slide. When trigger jumps to the next slide after the key press, it shows a screen shot that looks like the action was performed. 

This works perfectly in Windows, however, it doesn't seem to work on Mac devices. I know that Mac uses the Command key instead of the Control key (Command + V and Command + A). But is there a way to construct the trigger so that it will work with Mac devices for key press triggers?

  • Alt + A is not the command on a Mac device to select all, and Alt + V is not the command to paste.

    I'm trying to make a realistic simulation. I could tell the Mac users to use a fictional set of keys to select all and to paste, but I wanted to keep it realistic. 

    I gather from your response, that its not possible with storyline, is that correct.