Forum Discussion

AmeySawant-ef94's avatar
Community Member
7 years ago

Print button re-position issue while using Modern Player (HTML5)


I have changed the custom print button position using the JavaScript code. but i face very strange issue while doing review. 

When you reduce the browser size, the 2nd Print button added automatically to the default location.

Please refer the attached screenshot and published build for your reference.

If anyone know how to resolve this issue, please let me know the same.


Amey Sawant  

  • Amy,


    Would you mind sharing how you configure this print button?



  • Amy,

    So far I've not figured out how to get this to work. I'm still researching. Can you share your JavaScript and maybe I can figure something out?  



  • The Print button appears to be dynamically added when switching from desktop to mobile or mobile to desktop. I don't think it would normally be an issue as a user isn't going to be switching between desktop and mobile view. Maybe checkout on mobile and table and see if it is a problem. You could probably include some CSS to hide the three dot menu to be safe as well.

  • Hello, does this example provide the correct code or way for adding the print button to the buttom set of buttons? How is it done? Thank you