Forum Discussion

HannaKrasnov814's avatar
Community Member
2 months ago

Prompt to resume doesn't work


prompt to resume/always resume don't work properly. When user pause und re-open the module, they pick up not where they left off individually. All user continue on the same page. Even user finish the module and click to continue, they pick up again on the same page. The resume option in this module is prompt to resume. I tried to reload the scorm-data, tested it and now all user pick up the module on the other page. This is the page, where I last paused, as I tested the module. The Prompt "always resume" doesn't work properly too.  Happy to hear if someone have a idea how to fix it.

  • are you using Scorm 1.2 on the LMS?

    the limit in Scorm for the "suspend data" (-> resume) is

    • 4096 byte (Scorm 1.2)
    • 4000 byte (Scorm 2004 2nd)
    • 64000 byte (Scorm 2004 3rd, 4th)

    every simple storyline slides needs 50 - 100 byte, more complex >250 byte

    => switch to Scorm 2004 3rd or 4th

    => on moodle you can activate 64000 byte for Scorm 1,2