Forum Discussion
Question bank - numbering questions
Hi Ashley,
Let's say they've completed the course and closed it. Then, they re-open the course where they will be given 2 options: Restart or Review. It is when they click Review that this issue happens.
I've set Resume to 'Always resume' on restart.
As for the setting for the pages, I followed every step provided by Antony that used this - Question %QuestionNumber% of 5. It's on every quiz slide. Then, on the Retry Quiz button (I don't have a Review Quiz button) , I added the trigger 'Set QuestionNumber equal to 0.00'. (First, I created the variable QuestionNumber with the default value of 0).
I'm not really a developer so my understanding of codes and all these things is minimal.
Hope this clarifies. Looking forward to an easy to follow solution. :)