Forum Discussion

KevinChase's avatar
Community Member
7 months ago

Question Bank random draw problem post-retry (first question always reappears)


I'm having an issue with a quiz where it is pulling 15 questions each from 2 banks, each set as randomly in the shuffle, no locked, for a total of 30 questions in the quiz (each bank has 23 and 25 questions respectively.) The initial quiz behaves and scores correctly on the results page. On retrial, I have it reset only incorrect questions. When the user starts the quiz again, the first question from the initial quiz ALWAYS begins the quiz, whether the user had answered it correctly or not. Other incorrect questions follow as expected. 

Any ideas?

Thanks! Kevin

  • KevinChase's avatar
    Community Member

    After some looking on the discussion boards here this seems to be related to an issue where the initial question would flash onscreen to be replaced by next incorrect question the user had to answer.

    The fix for the "flash" was to set the slide properties "When revisiting: Reset to Initial State", which did resolve it; however, with that you get the above persistent first question.

    If you set "When revisiting: Automatically decide", then the persistent first question does not happen; unfortunately in addition to that behavior you get the "flashing" first question, as well as the replay button does not work!

    So which is the lesser of the two evils?