Forum Discussion

JenRusso-2c799b's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Radio button selections - resetting slide result upon reselection

Hello! I'm sure this topic has been brought up before but I am having trouble locating it in the forums. I am currently working on a piece in which learners will input 3 answers to a prompt via text entry, select one of those text entries via radio button, then speak to that selection by repeating the process. I've attached the story file I've been working on.

It will go something like this:

  • Slide 1: Learner enters name of person and three ideas to help that person (4 text entry boxes total)
  • Slide 2: The three ideas are then displayed in radio button format and learner selects best option.
  • Slide 3: The selected radio button text is shown, and learner inputs 3 ways to implement ideas 3 text entry boxes)
  • Slide 4 and 5 are similar to Slides 2 and 3, except Slide 5 has an action plan text entry.
  • Learners will then be able to print their selections/entries to PDF... I haven't started on this part yet, and it's not quite relevant to this post.

The problem I'm facing is that if a learner wants to go back and change their radio button selection on either Slide 2 or 4, the resulting text on the following slides doesn't get replaced, it's just one written over the other. I've tried setting the slides to initial state upon revisiting, and setting the initial state of the text to hidden. I've kind of run out of ideas at this point (being somewhat new-ish to Storyline isn't helping either)!

Any help or redirection would be greatly appreciated! 

Thank you,


  • Hi Jen, there is a small issue with the triggers on slide 1.3. You are referencing RadioIdea2 twice in the first trigger. There should be a reference to RadioIdea1.

    I've provided an updated file for you, which demonstrates a different way of handling the "idea" and "method" values. It uses less variable, and less triggers (no showing/hiding the text boxes)


  • You are indeed a hero! That is so much better and works like a charm. Thank you so so much, Sam!