Forum Discussion

StanfordRay-de0's avatar
Community Member
3 hours ago

Recovering Content From Prior Subscription

I was creating content in Rise 360 for my company. In the midst of that, there was a major transition. I had to move away from the project and focus in other areas. In the meantime, my company only gave me temporary use of Articulate. While working, I neglected to renew the usage. That means that my project is lost in the virtual netherworld. I just renewed my company 'subscription' but the folder with the project is forever lost.

Fortunately, I sent the content to a few people and can go back to the link in my email and access it from the user's end. Unfortunately, I can no longer access it from the creator's end. Is there a way to access the content so that I can continue working on it? Or will I have to start over? 


  • As per the Terms of Service, when a subscription lapses, Articulate keeps the associated Rise content for up to 6 months. After that, it is permanently deleted.