Forum Discussion

JadePhan-dd48d3's avatar
Community Member
2 months ago

Reference Text Boxes Not Working!

Hello, I am trying to build a Learning Styles Self-Assessment, where the user answers a few questions about their preferred learning style. Each answer choice is assigned a category (visual, audio, and tactile) so whichever letter they pick the most of- would be their preferred learning style.

I've set variables (VisualCount, AuditoryCount, and TactileCount) so that it can automatically count the number and reference at the end. However, when I set my reference box at the end of the slides, the number doesn't change and the normal %VisualCount% (or the other variables) are not populating. Anyway to fix this?

*I've only inputted 3 questions so far because I dont want to work too far along on this project if something is broken!

  • SteveGannon's avatar
    Community Member

    Jade, it looks like your triggers are out of order. Move the "Add value 1..." triggers above the "Jump to slide..." triggers. As it is now, your Add triggers aren't firing because the Jump occurs before the Add trigger gets a chance to fire.

  • Steve, a silly mistake on my part!! I've been looking at it for so long trying to troubleshoot it- I completely forgot to look at the order! Thank you so much!