Forum Discussion
Renumber scenes
I have never been able to drag scenes around - sorry for my choice of the word "move". In Story View I use the cut/paste method to move scenes around. In the Player Menu, I use the up/down arrows to reposition items. Thanks for the video demo, but I understand these fundamentals.
The attached video shows what I've been trying to do, in this case successfully by cutting/pasting scenes. You will see that the scenes renumber themselves.
Then I went back to investigate my original file and discovered that I had shot myself in the foot. I have my own Previous and Next arrows. I mistakenly set the Previous arrow's trigger to go to the target scene, and the Next arrow was left triggerless. This is what was causing the problem.
Now that I have righted the ship, the scenes are renumbered automatically just way I expected them to be.
Thanks for following this, lesson learned!