Forum Discussion
Results for multiple quizzes not calculating correctly
When you insert a Results slides, Storyline creates the built-in variables needed for scoring/tracking.
Based on your description, it sounds like the Results are all tracking the first quiz, but showing the score for the current quiz (e.g., quiz 2, 3, etc.). In other words, the Results slides aren't always referring to the appropriate variables.
All of the triggers for a given Results slide should refer to the appropriate quiz (e.g., "Quiz1" or "Quiz2" or whatever names you gave the quizzes).
- Bronwyn-Botts3 months agoCommunity Member
Thank you so much...I'm coming up with a total blank as to how to do this. I see that I currently have "Show layer Success when the timeline starts on this slide if Quiz1.ScorePoints (is greater than or equal to) Quiz1.PassPoints". I understand that I need to change these to make them specific to each quiz. But these are NUMBER variables and I never work with number variables. Are you able to help? :)