Forum Discussion

NeilForrest-ea7's avatar
Community Member
14 hours ago

Review 360 Comments

Hi All,

Hoping someone can help?

A colleague of mine had recently developed a Rise course that went to our QA team for review. That colleague has since left the business and ownership of the course was transferred to another colleague, who was made the Course Owner.

I have access to the course and have updated it based on the feedback comments from our QA team, but I'm obviously unable to publish it to review as a new version of an existing item, as I'm only a course manager. All I can do is publish it as a new item, which means all the previous comments won't be visible.

I asked my colleague who is the Course Owner to publish it to review as a new version of an existing item, which she did, but the comments still aren't visible.

We don't have login details for our previous colleague, so there's no way of accessing his dashboards.

We still have access to the previous review link, but if my colleague who is now the Course Owner published it to review as a new version of an existing item, I would have expected those review link URLs to be the same, which they are not.

The course itself is also part of a Team Folder, which I don't know if that's relevant?

Is there anyway to resolve this? Are we doing something incorrectly? Any help much appreciated and welcome!

  • Hello Neil,

    Thanks for reaching out! I appreciate you giving a detailed description of your experience.

    It sounds like your colleague who left the business may have sent a copy of the course instead of transferring ownership to your other colleague. This explains the different Review link URLs. Can you try to reach out to your IT team to grant you temporary access to your old colleague's company email address? That way, you can access his/her Articulate account and change the password so you can access the course and transfer ownership.

    Let me know how it goes, and I'd be more than happy to assist you further. If you want more targeted help, you can also connect with us privately in a support case.