Forum Discussion
Review 360 NOT showing Rise eLearning screen shots
Hello! I am also having this same issue and it's a huge problem for us. Reviewers are coming in and leaving comments without any context, other than the lesson header. Some comments have the same exact screenshot posted over and over. Hopefully this gets addressed soon...
- LaurenDuvall6 months agoStaff
Hi Taylor!
Sorry that you're running into this issue as well! Do you mind sharing if you are using the latest version of your browser? It would also be helpful to know if this happens with every course or just a specific course.
- TaylorJames-9746 months agoCommunity Member
Hello Lauren,
Thank you for your quick reply! I just checked and my browser did require an update. There's a good chance the person who left the reviews was using an outdated browser as well. This seems to be happening for all courses that this person has reviewed, but I can't say for sure if it is happening with other reviewers (it happened in multiple courses, but the reviews were all by the same person). Would a slightly out of date browser really cause such issues grabbing screenshots? That seems like a huge problem if we have to make sure our SMEs update their browser before reviewing...they can't even attend meetings on time! Ha!
Thank you!
- StevenBenassi6 months agoStaff
Hi Taylor!
Glad to see my teammate Lauren has been helping you. Happy to jump in here!
We are currently tracking a known bug in Review 360 where screenshots in the feedback tab are not showing the correct image. Our development team is still looking into this issue, and a possible fix could be using an updated, supported browser. If your SMEs are still seeing this behavior after updating their browsers, please let us know by connecting with our team through a support case.
Also, your contact information came through when you replied via e-mail. This Peek video will show you how to edit it out if you’d like!