Forum Discussion

JeniJohnson-19a's avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

Review emails and notifications?

If a SME makes a comment on a slide, and then I also make a comment, do they get an email or notification? I just realized that for my own organization I go in and make a note each time I address a change (so I can track which ones I've addressed). I don't want them to get an annoying email every time I do that. Is there a way to turn off notifications?


  • Hi Jeni,

    If you respond to their comment that'll trigger a notification. If you add your own comment separate from their response that won't send an email notification to your SMEs, as the initial comment notifications only go to the course author.

    Notifications are controlled on an individual basis, so your SMEs would need to update their notification settings to stop receiving those.

    Hope that helps! 

    • JeniJohnson-19a's avatar
      Community Member

      How do they adjust their notification settings without making an account?

      • VinceScoma's avatar
        Community Member

        Hi Jeni,

        Great question! 

        Since all reviewers receive email notifications only when someone replies to their comments or @mentions them, the notification settings would need to be changed on an individual basis.

        To change notification settings, an SME would need to create a free Articulate ID. This guide provides more details on this process: Subscribe to Projects and Change Notification Settings

        Please let us know if you have any questions! 

  • So if I type in the reply box (as shown in the screenshot), they will get an email and can see what I wrote? I don't see any option to add my own comment below theirs, only a reply option. 

    • JeniJohnson-19a's avatar
      Community Member


      Unfortunately, this isn't an intuitive or quick process (having to go back to review, find the slide, then comment). It would be a much better tool if Articulate gave us the option to either turn off email notifications to SMEs or some sort of "resolved" button to address comments. 

  • Curious if the reviewer who posted a comment, that was subsequently resolved, are they able to see the resolved comments, or does it just disappear completely for them?

  • Hello Darrin!

    The resolved comments are only visible to you as the designer! Your commenters will not be notified. 

    I also wanted to mention you can view all of your resolved comments by clicking the More icon [...] and selecting Show Resolved Comments.

  • Just to clarify, If I reply to a SME comment and then immediately resolve the comment they will not see my reply to them even though I posted it before resolving?


  • Hi, Julie.

    If you resolve the comment after replying to them, they will receive the notification of your response. When they log into Review 360, the response (and the original comment) will be hidden, but they will also be able to select Show Resolved Comments.

    I hope this helps!

    • JulieTaylor-3a8's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Maria
      Thank you so much for your prompt reply, that is good to know


  • Hi Julie,

    Replying via email includes your signature here, so you are welcome to edit the post and remove that information if you wish!

  • Hi Articulate team, on this same note - do reviewers get notified when you mark their comment as Resolved?

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi Claudia, 

      Currently, no notifications will get sent when a comment is marked as 'Resolved'. We do have an open feature request for this improvement so I'll be sure to add your voice to the report!

      • RPursey's avatar
        Community Member

        Please add our voice to the report on this. We use Review with large stakeholder groups, some of whom are neither L&D nor IT people. They are very frustrated by the amount of notifications they receive from Review. It makes us hesitant to use Review properly for tracking (i.e. noting what has been done to resolve a particular feedback item before marking it as resolved so we have a record). They are unlikely to create an account - they are often either unwary of giving their details to a third party or are frustrated by an additional step. 

        Ideally, they would be prompted to decide how to manage comments the first time they comment on a particular module (without the need to create an account). They would be given the options of:

        • Receiving notifications of all comments on threads they have started or contributed to
        • Having a daily summary of  all comments on threads they have started or contributed to
        • Having a daily summary of all comments on the project (for those in a stakeholder management role)
        • No notifications

        It would also be good to give them the separate option to toggle on or off immediate notification of comments/responses using @theirname.

        We would also like the functionality to let the person who published the module to Review make the decision about notifications to commenters. 

  • I have selected "show resolved comments" can reviewers also see the resolved comments?

    • EricSantos's avatar

      Hello ITeM Group!

      Good question; I'm happy to help with that! If you show the resolved comments on your end, the reviewer won't see them unless they also select Show Resolved Comments.

      If you require any further information, please let me know.