Forum Discussion

DerreckMayer-f5's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

Review Results Banner Editing or Disabling


I am looking for the location to edit the Correct and Incorrect banners that display on individual question slides when a learner has selected Review Results on a quiz result slide. 

I've attached an example. Depending on the situation, these banners block objects like buttons we have on the bottoms of our slides. 

I've seen several articles and posts about editing the Feedback Master but this is not present. This is specifically part of reviewing results at the end of a quiz, not the layer feedback when answering a question.

Can anyone assist with this? Can these banners be modified or turned off?

Thank you!

  • Unfortunately, those banners can't be modified or turned off. 

    One workaround is to cover them. This can be done by adding a Review layer to the question slide. On that layer, insert a solid shape over the area where the banner appears. 

    If you are using custom buttons that need to be available during a review, you could put those on the Review layer, too. Otherwise, they need to be placed high enough so they won't be covered by the banners. 

    FYI: There are two ways to add a layer that will be shown during a Review Quiz: 

    • Insert a layer and name is "Review" (exactly that name).
    • In Form View, enter text in the Post-quiz review field. Storyline will automatically create a Review layer. Edit its layout and content as desired. 

  • Hi Judy, 

    Thank you for confirming. We have been covering them up but since it includes buttons and other elements, it's just a lot of extra work. It'd be fantastic if we could just dock those banners somewhere else like the top of the screen.

    • LaurenConnelly's avatar

      Hi Derrek, and thank you for your help, Judy!

      Judy shared the current workaround since this isn't an option in Storyline yet.

      We have logged this behavior as a feature request, so I've added you to our report so we can update you when it makes it onto our feature roadmap

    • NedimRamic-88da's avatar
      Community Member

      These banners can be disabled using JavaScript. It would be nice if Articulate directly integrated this feature. You can place the provided code either on every single question slide or on the master question slide.

      • JudyNollet's avatar
        Super Hero

        Thanks for posting that, Nedim! That will be helpful to a lot of folks.