Forum Discussion

NickGregory-325's avatar
Community Member
11 months ago

Revisit Quiz

Hi all I just need to clarify something.

I have a course which has a quiz at the end.

The user is allowed to have 2 attempts and if they fail on the second one they have to restart the course.

What setting should the quiz questions be set at?

In the slide settings should it be "Automatically decide" or "Reset to initial state". Finally what does automatically decide actually mean, Many thanks. Nick

  • "Automatically decide" means Storyline will either "Reset to initial state" or "Resume saved state." What it does depends on what it thinks is the best option for the slide. 

    • In my experience, "Automatically decide" is the best option for Question and Results slides. That will let the built-in functionality (taking, reviewing, re-trying) work correctly.

    As for forcing the user to retake the course if they fail the quiz 2 times: to do that, you need to remove the built-in Menu from the Player. Why? The Menu can be Restricted, which requires the user to go through the slides in order. But that still allows the user to click the Menu to revisit any previously viewed slide. Thus, by the time they get to through the quiz, they can jump around the entire course. 

    You'll also need to use variables and trigger conditions to ensure they go through the course again. For example: 

    • Use a number variable to track how many times they fail the course. This is as simple as putting a trigger on the Failure layer that adds 1 to the variable when the layer's timeline starts. 
    • Disable the Retry button when the  variable = 2. 
    • Enable/show a "review course" button when the variable = 2.  Its trigger should go to the start of the course. 
    • Use a T/F variable to track whether the user is done reviewing the course. Give it a default value of False. On the slide right before the quiz, set the T/F variable to True with the condition that the number variable = 2. 
    • I also recommend programming the slide just before the quiz so the NEXT button goes to the Results slide when the user is reviewing the course (i.e., the variable = 2). That will prevent the user from stepping through the questions without being able to answer them.
    • On the Results slide, enable the Retry button with the condition that the T/F variable = True. 
    • You'll also need triggers to reset the variables, so the above process will start over. 
    • Most importantly, you'll need to do a lot of testing to ensure it all works as desired.
  • Hi Judy,

    Big thanks for this. The course works fine for the second attempt etc . Everything is in place but it is when they have to restart the quiz after redoing the course that the previous answers are still show and I am not sure what I have missed?

    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi Nick!

      Glad to see that Judy was able to help you out!

      If you're comfortable sharing your file, it would be helpful to see what you've built out so far. Feel free to share it here in the discussion or privately through a support case. We'll remove it from our system as soon as we're finished troubleshooting.

      Looking forward to hearing from you!

    • JudyNollet's avatar
      Super Hero

      The standard Retry Button on a Results slide uses 2 triggers: 

      • The 1st trigger performs the "Reset results" action. That, in essence, tells the program to "automatically decide" to reset questions to their initial state, so the questions can be answered again.
      • The 2nd trigger jumps to the first question in the quiz. 

      If your questions aren't resetting, ensure that there is a "Reset results" trigger. And be sure that trigger comes before the trigger to jump to another slide. (A trigger can't run if the program has already left the slide.) 

      Here's an example: 

    • EricSantos's avatar

      Hello Nick!

      I'm happy to jump in! Thanks for sharing the Storyline project file! I looked at it, and I just want to ensure I have your project's most recent version. I don't see the 'Reset Results' trigger, which is vital to your target workflow, as Judy mentioned above. It should've been added with the Retry Button. Did you add the Restart Workshop button in the Failure layer that way?

      I'd also like to share our article on limiting quiz attempts in Storyline, which is perfect for your requirements:

      Looking forward to your response!

  • Hi Eric, yes it is a trimmed version, I have a trigger at the start of the quiz to reset results slide to 0 when the time line starts, s that what you means or have I missed something?



    • JudyNollet's avatar
      Super Hero

      Your trigger is setting one of the results variables to 0. That is not the same as the "Reset results" trigger. The "Reset results" trigger will automatically do everything needed to allow the user to retry the quiz and get an updated score.

      See my previous comment for an image of what that trigger looks like. 

  • Judy, Eric and Steven, thank you so much this seems to have resolved the issue. Many thanks for your guidance. Nick

    • EricSantos's avatar

      You're welcome, Nick! Enjoy the rest of your day! 🙂

  • Hi all, just following up on something. On each question should the number of attempts be set at 2 or 3? TIA

  • Hi Judy many thanks for your fast response, so to confirm if the user has 2 original attempts and then if on failing the 2nd attempt and restarting the quiz the attempts on each question should be 3. Sorry to sound a bit dumb on this but I just want to ensure I have got it right, again many thanks.

    • JudyNollet's avatar
      Super Hero
      Nick Gregory

      Hi Judy many thanks for your fast response, so to confirm if the user has 2 original attempts and then if on failing the 2nd attempt and restarting the quiz the attempts on each question should be 3. Sorry to sound a bit dumb on this but I just want to ensure I have got it right, again many thanks.

      If you increase the Attempts on a question slide, the user can try to answer the question that many times every time they encounter the question in the quiz.

      • Thus, if you set the Attempts field to 2 on the question slides and give them 2 attempts to take the quiz, they will end up with 4 attempts to answer each question (2 attempts the first time they take the quiz, and 2 attempts the second time they take the quiz). 

      If you just leave the Attempts field at 1, the program will immediately score the question when the user clicks the Submit button. That will give them 1 attempt to answer each time they take the quiz.

      Bottom line: the "Retry Quiz" functionality will always give the user the indicated number of attempts on each question.

      If my explanation still isn't clear, I suggest you simply test different settings in your file to see how they work.