Forum Discussion

BrianCook-614f2's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Rise - Sending email Upon Class Completion


I want a Rise course to send an email to the learner after completion of the course, rather than posting to an LMS.

Is this possible?

  • KarinRex's avatar
    Community Member

    Yes. In your last section, add a Button block. Program the button to Send an Email.

  • But this "sends" an email from the user whomever. I wondered if I could devise a button click that would send a canned message TO that user.

    Ex, they click a button that says course complete, then they get an email that says, congrats blah blah. Here are your next steps.

    Rationale: The course I am creating is to be taken on personal equipment but is designed to get a new employee up to and running on company-issued tech we just sent to them (for remote work)

    Once they complete this, they wi need to proceed from the company's equipment. I need to send them instructions that they can receive on the company tech that guides them to their next set. I hope that makes sense...

  • KarinRex's avatar
    Community Member

    OH! I misunderstood what you wanted, then. Apologies.

    Perhaps you could set this up as an auto-reply? You have the learner send an email to a seperate company email address that fires back the auto-reply with the instructions?

  • ohh, ok. I like that. Probably in all likelihood we may just have them copy and paste the necessary link. I just didn't know if there was an Articulate-cool way of doing it..

    Thanks for the suggestion!

  • KarinRex's avatar
    Community Member

    You could also just let them download the instructions file from the final page as well.