Forum Discussion

VerondaTaylor's avatar
Community Member
3 months ago

RISE 360 Bookmark

Does the Bookmarking feature work in Rise 360 when you publish for AICC and post/upload to an LMS? We are using SuccessFactors LMS.

Also, we noticed that when you publish AICC Rise 360 files they say scormcontent. Does Rise actually publish for AICC? If so, how?

  • Hello Veronda, 

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Yes, Rise 360 supports publishing in AICC format. This is one of the available options when you publish your course for LMS distribution

    Can I ask if you are encountering any bookmarking issues when accessing your course in SuccessFactors LMS? If yes, please try testing the same course in SCORM Cloud to see if you'll be able to replicate the behavior in a different environment.

    Regarding the published content, they may have SCORM in their naming conventions, but the contents themselves are all published in AICC format. Here's an example, which is the driverOptions.js file of a Rise 360 course that was published in AICC format: 

    Hope this helps!

  • Yes we encounter booking marking issues in LMS.

    I uploaded the course to SCORM Cloud. it works and gives completion. But that does not help us with our LMS. It does not give completion in our LMS.

    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      If the course works on SCORM Cloud, it means it's a LMS issue, not a Rise course issue.