Forum Discussion

ArturTrzebun883's avatar
Community Member
8 months ago

Rise Course Completion Status Reporting Incorrect Status with a Multi-attempt Assessment

In Rise, I'm selecting completion status "Passed/Failed" based on assessment results. I have 3 attempts allowed on the assessment. Using LCVista LMS (which uses scorm cloud platform/engine). After failing the assessment the first time and exiting the course, the status reports as FAILED / COMPLETED, as it should. Then, I launch the course again and this time I pass the assessment and exit the course. The status remains as FAILED / COMPLETED, but on the backend/reporting side of the LMS it registers the passed assessment on the 2nd attempt, but the learner still sees FAILED / COMPLETED. Is this error in reporting an issue with Rise or an issue the the LMS?

By the way, same results when using the EXIT COURSE button and running the course in Chrome and Edge.

Has anyone been able to solve this issue?

  • Hello Artur,

    Sorry to hear that you ran into this snag, and good call on testing in an environment that's similar to SCORM Cloud. 

    I went ahead and opened a support case on your behalf so we can get you in touch with our support engineers. You're in good hands, and someone will be reaching out shortly via email to continue troubleshooting the issue with you. 

  • That's great news - thanks Jose! My next step in troubleshooting was to submit a case, but you've done that for me.

    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi Artur!

      Glad to see Joe has been helping you out!

      I see that your support case is being handled by my teammate Chester. It looks like Chester replied to your e-mail with some feedback on your issue.

      We can continue troubleshooting through your case to help keep all information in one spot.

  • Hi Arthur (and team), we are in a similar situation with the same LMS. We are simply having trouble with it showing in our LMS as completed. We even switched between SCORM 1.2 and 2004. Are you able to share the outcome and if it was successful?

    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi LeCresha!

      Sorry to hear you're also having issues with LMS reporting!

      Thanks for sharing the details! Since the behavior can be reproduced in an LMS test environment, I've opened a support case on your behalf. You're in excellent hands troubleshooting with our support engineers and they should be getting in touch with you shortly!

      We can continue the conversation through your case to keep all information in one spot.