Forum Discussion

DavidWard-c9706's avatar
Community Member
3 months ago

Rise courses not previewing, only displaying blank page?

Rise courses not previewing, only displaying blank page?

  • PhilFoss's avatar
    Community Member

    Never seen this blank page, but first thing I'd check is have you used any plugins? There are some unsupported plugins that are known to be unstable.

  • Hi Phil,

    Thanks for the reply.

    I'm not using anything different to normal.

    Is your Rise courses previewing?

    • PhilFoss's avatar
      Community Member

      Yes previewing as normal, one thing you might try is hold down shift key when you hit the refresh icon in your browser's toolbar, before hitting preview. Rise updates so frequently, users can easily have a file cached in their browser that needs to be updated. Using shift-refresh clears out some of those cached files.

  • Thanks Phil,


    It's still not working.


    And it's my account. 


    I have tried another on my P.C and had no issues.

    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi David,

      Preview is working normally for me.

    • PhilFoss's avatar
      Community Member

      Gotcha, I would duplicate the course and prefix the title with XXX then start deleting blocks or lessons that could be problematic- large videos, lots of text, text pasted in from another application, external videos or storyline, etc. Delete and preview, just make sure you are using the XXX course until you nail down the culprit.