Forum Discussion

AshleyGreen-d6f's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Rise modules and completion status on Litmos

When I update a Rise module in our LMS (Litmos) because of content changes, it starts the course over again for users who have not completed it. Because I simply replaced the module file rather than added a new module to a course, this is not supposed to happen and users can return to where they left off. At least according to Litmos.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a workaround here that prevents this from happening? It's mainly because we have required prerequisite courses that are quite long and require users to complete all content (including videos) before moving on, and we would like to avoid having people redo their work since it's time-consuming and a nuisance (especially because our customer users have full-time jobs and a deadline to complete their coursework). Any advice is appreciated here. Thanks.

  • Hello Ashley,

    I wanted to share that what you're experiencing is expected behavior when updating courses in an LMS. When you update existing course files in your LMS or web server, learners who previously started the course won't be able to resume where they left off. They'll be taken back to the beginning of the course.

    Consider updating your courses at a time when user traffic is low. Let me know if you have any questions!