Forum Discussion

ChristineHarrad's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Rogue 'change state to hidden' triggers

We're building a decision tool for users to select the age of their child (slide 1.2), up to 3 primary child-centered needs (slide 1.3), and a family need (slide 1.4).  Depending upon their selections, lists of providers to help them generates in 3 groupings (health (slide 1.6), community (slide 1.7), personal(slide 1.8)). 

We've got 3 rogue selections that are not behaving and state is showing as normal instead of hidden where there is no logic indicating they should be shown as normal.  Family (slide 1.8), Friends (slide 1.8), and Care coordinator-navigator (slide 1.6).  All other providers are functioning correctly.  A downloadable document (slide 1.5) shows the logic. All insights are appreciated!

  • Looks like some of your conditions are corrupted as switching all triggers off and deleting and reading seems to fix it. Also it is odd you have a real hidden state I would remove that as it shouldn't be there.

  • Thank you for taking time to look at this for us!  Would love to know how/why the triggers got corrupted but deleting them and rewriting did the trick this time.  I had tried this in an earlier version to no avail, so that is truly puzzling.  We must have a gremlin. 

    The addition of an actual hidden state - for some odd reason - fixed some other odd behaviors.  I'd never had to do that before.  Thanks again.