Forum Discussion

WouterBokhorst's avatar
Community Member
3 months ago

Save progress in Storyline

Hi everyone!
I created a navigation page in Storyline with buttons that are linked to modules created in Rise and stored in Google drive. The course is published to TalentLMS.
I added a "Saved" slide to be able to save user progress. But everytime I exit the course and re-enter it, the links to the modules don't work anymore. 
Does someone know of a way to troubleshoot this?
Thanks in advance.

  • Hello Loading Systems,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Can I ask if you are seeing any errors when accessing the links to the modules after resuming your courses, and if so, would you mind sharing a screenshot of them here? 

    Additionally, you can also test your course in SCORM Cloud to see if you'll experience the same behavior there. Testing in another LMS will help determine whether or not the issue is LMS-specific. If you can replicate the behavior in SCORM Cloud, please share a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case for testing. We'll delete it when we're done!

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hello Loading Systems,

      Thanks for testing your course in SCORM Cloud. I'd like to test if your course's review mode might be causing the behavior since the issue only happens after the course is completed. Please disable it by republishing your course, following the steps below, and reuploading the course in SCORM Cloud to see if this changes anything.

      1. You'll see either a scormdriver.js file or a Configuration.js file, depending on the authoring app you used and the publishing format you chose. Open the file in a text editor, such as Notepad.
      2. Find this line of text: var REVIEW_MODE_IS_READ_ONLY = true;
      3. And change it to: var REVIEW_MODE_IS_READ_ONLY = false;
      4. Save and close the file. (If it doesn't save your change, make sure the file isn't marked read-only.)
      5. Zip the published output and upload it to your LMS.

      If the issue persists, please share a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case.

      Let me know how it goes!

  • Hi Jose.

    Before I test this, I think it is important to highlight the following - How our users access the content via the navigation page created in StoryLine:

    1. Create modules in rise.
    2. Publish the module 
    3. Unzip the published folder
    4. Delete all files and folders accept the scorm content folder 
    5. Upload the scorm content folder to Google cloud.
    6. Copy the HTLM index file URL link
    7. Paste link on button in StoryLine Navigation page

    In this process, are we making a mistake by not uploading the scorm drive folder to google cloud as well?
    If yes, then I will make the changes as you suggested and then report back.

    • EricSantos's avatar

      Hi Loading Systems,

      I'm happy to chime in! I would say that the way you obtain the link for your Rise course is unconventional, but it works. Another method you can try is publishing your Rise course to Web, uploading it to Google Cloud, and then getting the link for the "index.html" file.

      I tested your SCORM Cloud link and can confirm your findings. After clicking all the links, they opened in a new browser window. I exited the course and relaunched it. The links are no longer working on the second try. This is expected behavior for most LMSs as they consider a course in review mode after meeting the tracking requirement. In review mode, resume data is no longer sent to the LMS, which prevents learners from accidentally changing their course status from complete back to incomplete.

      To workaround this behavior, you can try the steps suggested by my colleague Joe above. These steps are also found in the article below, plus some other recommendations you can consider.

      Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have additional questions.