Forum Discussion

InstitutfrGe875's avatar
Community Member
6 years ago

Saving progress of Storyline blocks in Rise.


I am using Storyline 360 blocks in Rise and was wondering if it's possible to save the progress of the block while in Rise.

The Storyline block is just a standard quiz, nothing fancy. I did enable the resume behaviour in Storyline but it seems not to work in Rise. When changing between Rise lessons the progress of the Storyline quiz is immediately lost.


Thanks! :)

PS I did test this in LMS.

16 Replies

  • Hi there,

    Thanks for reaching out! There's not currently a way to save progress on Storyline blocks in Rise 360. Would you be up for logging a feature request to tell us more about your specific needs?

    In the meantime, if there’s anything else I can do to help, please let me know! 

    • ChiragHonrao's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Allison,

      This post is older than a year.

      Is the feature introcuded in Rise 360 now?

      • Crystal-Horn's avatar

        Hello, Chirag. Storyline blocks will always start over when you leave the lesson and come back in Rise 360. The bookmarking on the course is for the Rise content, and it doesn't extend down into Storyline slides.

  • CraigDooley's avatar
    Community Member

    I'm trying to do a very similar thing and have just posted a question - following this in the hope of a solution.

  • Hi, I am creating a quiz in Rise that is quite long - has 25 questions. I will publish it to our LMS. Is there any way I can set the course, or publish it in the LMS to enable the learner to save their progress and resume the quiz when they have the time? Thanks, Pip Fowler

    • hazelB's avatar

      Hi Sysdoc! Resuming where a course left off will depend on the LMS that you will be using. Kindly check with the LMS provider if they support that function.

  • This would be a very powerful feature...when might it be possible to have this functionality?


  • GerhardBauer's avatar
    Community Member

    I agree, it would be very helpful to have this feature. I embedded quite extensive storyline elements (30 min) in Rise. It is important for the learners that the progress can be saved.

  • I am going to bump this thread because this feature is a no brainer to have and is being ignored.

    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      Rise does not save anything a student does within a Rise lesson, not just for Storyline blocks. E.g. if a student answers a Knowledge Check question, their response is not saved either.

      • NinaLill-4e5e36's avatar
        Community Member

        This is a good point, Karl. How is it that all of this has been overlooked? Is there any way to correct this and save learner progress using LMS settings?

  • LiezelWilson's avatar
    Community Member

    Any progress on this request as yet.

    I need Rise to remember a users progress with a storyline interaction that is set to restricted navigation? The RISE will be viewed  in an LMS.

    • EricSantos's avatar

      Hello Liezel,

      Thanks for reaching out. We are still gathering votes for the feature to allow progress to be saved on Storyline blocks in Rise 360. I informed our product engineers of your follow-up and need for this feature.

      We'll update this post once this becomes available in a future release, you'll be among the first to know!

  • My stakeholders and SMEs are reviewing a course we developed and find it extremely irritating to have to begin the Storyline bloc in the Rise course over and over again. I can imagine how annoying it will be to our learners. Is there any reason this hasn't been addressed for over 5 years?

  • I believe I have hit the same issue many in this forum have. I'm trying to have a pre-test that only allows a user to take the quiz once.

    I have a Rise course with a quiz built in Storyline. Every time the user returns to the Rise page, the quiz resets and they can take it again. 

    - Setting in Storyline don't work because the block re-initializes.
    - Regular Rise quiz didn't advance if they didn't pass.
    - I even tried turning off navigation without luck.

    Let me know if anyone has come up with a creative work around. Open to anything short of rebuilding everything in Storyline.


