Forum Discussion

AnthonyAustinCa's avatar
Community Member
12 months ago

Score from embedded storyline block

Hi all, 

I am attempting to create a Rise course with an embedded storyline assessment (for now, just think of a standard quiz). Is it possible to have the score from this block be designated as the course score?

Will it cause problems if multiple assessments of this type is included in a Rise course? 

Currently, I only see "completion" available when using embedded storyline blocks as trackers when exporting a Rise course. 

Thank you in advance

  • Hello Anthony,

    Happy to help!

    Embedded Storyline 360 blocks in a Rise 360 course aren't designed to report quiz scores to an LMS. When you publish a Storyline 360 course for LMS distribution, certain files are included in the published output which allows the course to work in an LMS. These files, like the SCORM Driver, are not present when you publish a course to Review 360 (which is what is used to embed a Storyline 360 project as a block in a Rise 360 course).

    You'll need to use a quiz designed in Rise 360 if you'd like to track course completion using a quiz result. 

    Hope this helps!