Forum Discussion

DavidArromba's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

SCORM & D2L Brightspace woes

I'm having issues with Rise communicating with the Grades tool in D2L Brightspace via SCORM export.

  • I export SCORM with "track using course completion" ("Complete/Incomplete" reporting) at 100%. I also tried a lower threshold,  but it did not make a difference. (Figure 1)
  • I import the SCORM as a Brightspace Course Package in the Content tool, and opt to create an associated grade item (Figs. 2a & 2b)
  • I change the grade scheme of the grade item to Complete/Incomplete, to better match the SCORM export settings (Fig. 3)
  • I complete the Rise module and reach 100% completion within Rise, and the corresponding SCORM report recognizes this as "completed"(Fig. 4)
  • But the associated grade item does not recognize my completion, and shows that I am still "Incomplete" (Fig. 5)

Any suggestions?

Thank you!

  • Hi David -- D2L Brightspace's gradebook is unable to interact with a SCORM object sending a Complete/Pass. The ONLY thing that Brightspace's gradebook can record is the cmi.core.score.raw value. So, if your SCORM object doesn't have any graded questions, then it has no way of interacting with the Brightspace gradebook. This is a limitation of the Brightspace gradebook and something we have asked D2L to address for us, with zero success. Thus, we've had to change the way we design SCORM courses.

    One way to work around this is to begin adding a single graded attestation question to the end of every SCORM object you design. That way, a learner will get a 100% in the gradebook after answering the question at the end of the SCORM object.

    Another is to use a JavaScript trigger to send a score of 100% to the LMS whenever the learner reaches the final slide. You can have this trigger whenever the timeline starts on the final slide of the SCORM activity:

    *** Copy these lines to SetScore SCORM 1.2 ****

    var player = GetPlayer();

    *** Copy these three lines to SetScore SCORM 2004 ****

    var player = GetPlayer();
    SCORM2004_SetScore(100, 100, 0);

  • Hi there,

    I am encountering a similar issue with an xAPI package not feeding back course completion to a grade item in D2L. Is there a similar line(s) of code I could add to the last lesson in my rise course package to for the report through? 

    Kind regards,


  • Hi David,

    You can try testing your course in SCORM Cloud and compare this with your results from your LMS. If your completion is recorded correctly in SCORM Cloud but not in your LMS, you can reach out to your LMS provider so they can troubleshoot the issue. They’ll know how best to help with LMS-specific problems.