Forum Discussion

CroweTechnology's avatar
Community Member
7 months ago

Screen recording(s) and written instructions

Hi all,

I am making this very complicated for myself.
I have lots of screen recordings.
To accompany each screen recording there are written instructions e.g. step by step.

How is anybody else doing this?

In Rise360 I'd use a paragraph block and a video block.
Everything would appear on same web page and you can scroll down, so that is was easy to refer to and reference as you followed along with the demo.

I'm using Articulate 360 because I want to use Quiz banks for a pre and post test and join multiple course together to form a super course and have one final mark.



  • Hi Andrew, Have you tried the transcript option mentioned in this thread? If you're looking for something else, sharing what you've created so far might be helpful so we can see it and offer suggestions.