Software how-to - instructions and video
Hi all,
I am using Articulate360.
I am demonstrating software.
I have how-to instructions and a screen recording video demonstrating, the instructions.
I think I can have instructions on 1 slide and the video on another, but I'm trying to make the course look less slide like.
I often have an info button on my base layer - which I use for extra information, tips, tricks etc. on a slide
I think I could do a split-screen: instructions on one side, the video on another, but I do not want the video to be too small or do I place a button to launch the video separately?
I know some of my learners, like to read and do at the same time.
I like the "page look" in Rise360, I do not feel so constrained to a slide.
I tend to do the instructions above a video block . I am not sure if I can have a info button.
Any advice/preference etc. for step-step instructions and video?