Forum Discussion

LucPIATON's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Send multiple score in a LMS (personnality questionnaire)

I created a "questionnaire" module based on a bank of 50 questions all played in random order. Like a personality test, there is no minimum score and no right or wrong answer. Each possible answer assigns a number of points to one of these categories and thus the associated variable.
I have customized a result slide showing the values of each variable related to the different categories.
How to send these different scores to the LMS?
Ideally, I would need to report the scores per person, per work unit in the company and globally for the entire company.

Is it technically possible to send all these scores to the Moodle LMS?
Otherwise I thought of feeding an online spreadsheet like google sheet with automation and javascript score executions. The problem is that I don't master javascript.

Thanks for your help

  • if they are survey questions you can send them all to the LMS.  For reporting you would need to ensure the work unit is in a custom field


  • LucPIATON's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks for this answer. I haven't thought using the survey questions. I have used a free format question. I'll transform my questionnaire into survey questions to see what's going on. I'll keep you posted. 

  • Hello, I would be very interested to know how you created this personnality questionnaire as I am trying to create one but cannot find a way to ! Is it possible to talk about this with you ?

    Thank you, and hope that you found a solution to your problem !