Forum Discussion

DaveKlein-18e65's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

separate the title from the course name?

I'd like to be able to name my courses like "Course Nov 3 version - copy 2" or something like that (as shown in the list of courses in the Rise dashboard), WITHOUT that being shown as the "title" of the course when I go into the actual course. Is that possible, or are they inextricably linked?

  • At this point, the name of the course (as seen in your Rise dashboard) and the title (as seen in the course) are the same. 

    I think a lot of use would like to see the two separated. Or, at least, have the ability to add version info that would show in the dashboard. 

    You can submit a feature request here: Help Us Improve Our E-Learning Software by Submitting a Feature Request (

    • Submitting a request doesn't guarantee that Articulate will add the feature. But the more folks who submit the same request, the more likely it is that they'll consider it.
  • mbul74's avatar
    Community Member

    The only way I have found is to catch the data as it's being loaded in the exported HTML, using JavaScript.

    Look for the line (around line 116 on a web export)

    const courseData = deserialize(encoded)

    And then you can set the course title like this

    courseData.course.title = "YOUR TITLE HERE"

    It's a bit hacky but has saved us on an export of 500+ pieces with descriptive titles that shouldn't be in the published item. The description was all in the part leading up to the predictable word "Unit" so instead of using a string when setting the title, we were able to read the value, strip out the beginning up to the word "Unit"and set it to that.

    But I wholeheartedly agree, the project title and the display title should definitely be separated.